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Your Single Students’ Union

York students deserve one well-resourced, student-led, and student-focused Union, and that’s exactly what we’re building.

In the 2023/24 academic year, the University of York Student’s Union (¸Û²Ê¿ª½±) and the will be merging to create a single students' union that caters to every student at York, whether you're an undergraduate or a postgraduate.

What's The Latest?

In March students voted for their first Sabbatical Officer team for the single students' union. Say hello to your new team.  


The University of York is one of only a few universities with two students’ unions - one that represents all students (¸Û²Ê¿ª½±), and another that specifically represents postgraduate students (the GSA).

Both unions have done fantastic work representing students at York over the years, but have always done so separately. This separation has sometimes meant we’ve duplicated services which is inefficient, and it's been confusing for students to know who to turn to for what, or how to get the best support. That’s why we’re taking the best bits of both Unions and teaming up. This new Union will support all students at York including undergraduate, postgraduate taught and research, distance learners, and international students.

Our Priorities for a Single Students’ Union

Through extensive consultation, you told us that you want your Single Students’ Union to have:

Streamlined and accessible services

We're evolving our services to make them even more user-friendly (and preserving what's already working).

Consistent and fair representation

We recognise that each student has unique needs. That's why we're working on a representation structure that truly understands and addresses those needs.

Enhanced events and social activities

University is more than just getting a degree. Events and social activities allow you to make friends, develop skills, and try something new. We're planning a social calendar with something for everyone, so you can enjoy your time here to the fullest.

A stronger identity

Our look and feel are getting an upgrade! We're working on a brand and identity that truly reflects the spirit and values of our diverse student community.

Get Involved

We want to hear from you! .

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What’s going to happen to postgraduate-specific support and services?
    • We’re committed to keeping dedicated postgraduate events, representation, and advice services as part of the Single Students’ Union. We know that this is invaluable to you, so that won’t be compromised on.
  • What will the new single Students’ Union be called?
    • The new Single Students’ Union will be called the University of York Students’ Union (or York Students’ Union for short). It’s simple and gets straight to the point of who we are and who we exist for.
  • When will the merger be complete?
    • By August 2024 the two Unions will be legally merged and resources combined, but we’ll still be working hard over the Summer to develop and strengthen our services, events, and representation in time for Welcome 2024.
  • Will I be able to get specific postgraduate advice and representation?
    • Yes! We’ve already got a dedicated team of advice and support staff who have in-depth knowledge of the specific needs of postgraduate students - and we’re committed to retaining this specialist postgraduate advice and support.

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