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Living in York

Get involved in your local community

York has a thriving community and as students you are a great part of that! Whether you’re here for a short time or the long haul, getting involved with local activity can be a great way to be part of something bigger. For individuals or groups looking to get involved with the community, check out some of these resources to start your journey.

Don't see something for you but would like some help finding something? Email community@yusu.org

Do you have a resource you think should be on the list? !

Here's some ways you can get involved...

  • is an influential, regional body that works with voluntary and community organisations, social enterprises and rural communities across North, South and West Yorkshire

  • is a locally powered solution, involving ordinary people taking positive action to build and manage homes for their own community

  • is an information and advice community website for all adults. It is a great resource for finding more activities, events, resources and services in the community that fit your interests and needs

  • will set out a plan to help make sure the city centre continues to meet the social, economic and environmental needs of York, and its communities

  • is a project that aims to create innovative, immersive experiences combining digital and physical engagement in the StreetLife Hub, 29-31 Coney Street

  • is a well-established charity supporting some of our most disadvantaged, vulnerable and isolated children and young people to realise their potential through positive mentoring relationships and activities. Get involved by mentoring youth in York

  • supports and champions York’s voluntary, community and social enterprises

  • is your local libraries throughout the city that also provides reading groups, digital support, cafes, community resources and a variety of events

  • supports people over the age of 65 living within the City of York in a variety of ways. Volunteering with York Neighbours is a fantastic chance to make a difference to your local community and help some of York’s most vulnerable older residents, it can be inspirational and fun, plus it is an excellent way to learn new skills and insights

  • is a weekly 'Creative Cafe' open to anyone - providing a variety of arts and craft projects or you can bring along your own work or just sit and have a chat.

  • is a rag rugging group that meet once a month in York, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced crafter

  • was established to help support trans and non-binary people in York and surrounding areas, from mentoring to social services and everything in between

  • is an accessible choir with sessions that are built around performances the choir are working towards, whether that be a traditional concert or busking in York. The choir has a diverse repertoire of contemporary songs, songs from the shows and classic tracks from across the years. All of which are given the famous Hands and Voices twist

  • exists to help local women make positive change in their lives. They offer a range of courses, therapies, life skills and events for women, from our relaxed, comfortable, city centre location

  • brings men together to socialise, exercise and enjoy themselves whilst sharing their experiences in a supportive, impartial environment that improves mental and physical health

  • provides a safe meeting point where refugees and asylum seekers can go for information and support, learn new skills and languages and form lasting friendships. You can also get involved by going along to the monthly Hub, be a youth mentor, or more

  • is a thriving group of musicians that is friendly and welcoming, and enjoy playing a variety of music, from Beatles to Beethoven. They also provide social events, such as trips to the pub and tea and biscuits. Whether you’re a seasoned player, a relative beginner who has never played in an orchestra, or you’ve been too busy to practise for years and you’ve missed playing, you are always very welcome to join

  • is a York based collaborative theatre company, focused on using the arts as a way to explore narratives and share stories

  • is a board game and graphic novel store in York that hosts events related to these interests

  • is led by disabled people and works to promote equal access to human rights for all disabled people who live or work in York. This includes activism, socials, and open conversations

  • aims to contribute to the promotion of mutual respect and understanding between faith communities and aim to respond to the new & changing ethnic and faith mix of population in York

  • is made up of LGBT+ community members, and hosts monthly meetings, socials, a community choir and other key activities

  • is an amateur orchestral group who specialise in playing music from the shows, light instrumental music, waltzes, marches and overtures. They play for fun and to raise money for charities

  • is an opportunity for men to get together and share projects and ideas in a friendly environment

  • is a large and friendly choral society that rehearses in central York and performs popular and less-known works from the classical choral repertoire. They perform three or four times a year, rehearsing Monday evenings

  • encourages friendship and harmony amongst people of all cultures and make our events inclusive for everyone to attend and aims to include all communities and stand up to discrimination and race hate. Programmes and events are developed jointly with members

  • gives support, advice and advocacy to the Gypsy & Traveller communities of York. They also act as a conduit between service providers and residents of York to allow an increased understanding of the communities and facilitate better community cohesion

  • (York) provides monthly support groups which are open to anyone affected by bipolar, including family, friends and carers. People who do not have a confirmed diagnosis and want to find out about bipolar, and related conditions such as cyclothymia, are also welcome

  • supports people experiencing loneliness and isolation by providing meaningful social interaction, hands-on activities, home support and advice

  • is a thriving independent charity supporting local people to live well with sight loss

  • is a safe and welcoming place for people with autism to get support. Run by a specialist team, it offers people the chance to try different things and meet new people in an environment that’s especially designed to be quiet, calm and free of sensory-triggers

  • offers out-of-hours mental health support to anyone aged 16 or over in York and Selby. It runs a drop-in service where you can come just for a chat, or you can access one-to-one emotional support from trained mental health professionals. They also offer virtual support via video call

  • is a members-led charity, bringing creativity and purpose to the lives of adults with their mental health journeys, and/or learning disabilities. They provide creative groups and the Hubble Health and Wellbeing Programme.

  • is an innovative social prescribing service that focuses on increasing access to social prescribing in York. They believe in the power of collaboration, relationship, and exploring what is meaningful to someone in finding their own Ways to Wellbeing

  • informs the Disabled Community of accessible places in York

  • provides support and care for those living with cancer in York. You can also volunteer to give your time helping cancer support in York

  • is a group of York residents, employers, and employees coming together to share, as much or as little of, our mental health experiences through a variety of means to help end mental health stigma and discrimination in York. You can listen to their podcasts or become a Community Champion

  • (Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide) is a support group for individuals bereaved by suicide or experiencing grief related to suicide. They also have a national hotline and resources for survivors

  • provides online support groups, such as LGBTQ+ support groups for 14-25 year olds. Keep an eye on for more information

  • is a way for people with neurological conditions to meet others in a relaxed and supportive environment. We aim to provide psychological and social support for anyone with or affected by any neurological condition

  • gives local residents of all ages an opportunity to meet, chat and socialise with other community members over a lovely cuppa

  • is an inclusive group that meets twice weekly and provides an opportunity for adults with support needs to take part in creative and social activities

  • is a registered charity providing meals to the homeless & vulnerable of York on a Tuesday evening and Sunday morning along with a Saturday evening outreach programme

  • is a women's social networking organisation which has been around for over 80 years

  • is a free to join open community in the centre of York, inviting and welcoming anyone with an interest in a creative practice. A ticketed monthly social takes place every first Friday of the month, from 6pm to 10pm at SPARK:YORK.

  • works to ensure that no one in the local community goes hungry. Whether you need help or want to give help, this provides an opportunity to feed the community

  • provides a space to share experiences, forge stronger links and build trusting relationships that lead to more collaborative actions. People with multiple complex needs may experience a range of issues at the same time which makes life difficult, however everyone is invited to join our meetings, and the Network currently includes people with lived experience, frontline workers and strategic leads

  • is a site for York's local parenting community and provides support and things to do in and around York for parents

  • helps set up gardens that are for & by the community

  • are a group of local volunteers looking after Glen Gardens park in the Heworth area. This includes gate locking, baking, gardening, litter picking and more

  • is the volunteer group which helps keep Rowntree Park clean and cared for. Volunteers do activities such as garden, litter pick, help with wildlife, run community events and projects, as well as focusing on education and mental health and wellbeing

  • is a project that aims to empower people and transform communities. It is based in York but has a local & global impact

  • is a collaborative movement of organisations and individuals working towards a more sustainable York. You can become a member to link up with more people interested in sustainability

  • is the green heart of York: a centre for nature and green living, with an ambitious vision for York. You can enjoy their green spaces, take part in adventure days, volunteer and join various sessions

  • ‘At The Recycle Project, our mission is to turn waste into a positive, and recycle as many goods as possible’. They provide drop-in workshops, community projects and a lending library where you can borrow all sorts of items, contribute to a more circular economy, reduce your carbon footprint and encourage a borrow don’t buy generation

  • advertises groups and opportunities that you can get involved with to help clean the community, keep the city green and make a difference in the local community

People choose to volunteer for a number of reasons, whether that's giving back to your local community, making a difference, building skills and making new friends, or even benefit your physical and mental health. Whatever your reasoning for wanting to get involved, ¸Û²Ê¿ª½± provides a vast amount of opportunities for you to engage with through our Volunteering offer.

Find out more about Volunteering via ¸Û²Ê¿ª½± here!