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¸Û²Ê¿ª½±ggestions ¸Û²Ê¿ª½±ggestions

Welcome to ¸Û²Ê¿ª½±ggestions!

No ideas to display

There are no ideas to display at the moment
More bins
Submitted by Elizabeth L.
Affordable shops on campus
Submitted by Clara L.
Pool cues
Submitted by Meilu Z.
Rugby Ideas
Submitted by Grant M.
51 Votes
UoY Amazon Boycott
Submitted by removed_27022024 R.
Stop investing in the arms trade!
Submitted by Elizabeth L.
Buses to Halifax
Submitted by Rashida H.
Cycle Lanes
Submitted by Reuben H.
Submitted by Elizabeth L.
Fix the Piazza Doors
Submitted by Joseph S.
Ecosia on Campus Campaign
Submitted by Antonia D.
60 Votes
Circuit Laundry: Come Clean
Submitted by George H.
50 Votes
Add seats with backs to the Lounge
Submitted by Nicole C.
51 Votes
¸Û²Ê¿ª½± boycott Amazon
Submitted by Pierrick R.
51 Votes
Erect a statue of Longboi on campus
Submitted by Sofia G.
54 Votes
PTO for Commuting Students
Submitted by removed_27022024 R.
Support off-campus rent rebates
Submitted by removed_27022024 R.
Keep study spaces open
Submitted by Nikita G.
29 Votes
Live Zoom Q n A with Charlie Jeffery for Students
Submitted by removed_27022024 R.
Student Support Bubbles
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
36 Votes
Demand 3: Student and Staff People's Assembly
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
41 Votes
Demand 2: Protect Our Physical and Mental Health
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
40 Votes
Demand 1: Financial Reimbursement
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
35 Votes
¸Û²Ê¿ª½± Back the Rent Strike
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
32 Votes
The online curriculum is not working
Submitted by removed_27022024 R.
53 Votes
Online Alternatives
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
Blood donations
Submitted by Christopher J.
Silent Halls Option on Campus
Submitted by Archie C.
83 Votes
Lights on the Walmgate Stray
Submitted by Madison A.
0 Votes
Introduce a Wildlife Protection Officer
Submitted by Elizabeth L.
24 Votes
Stricter smoking regulations on campus
Submitted by Talon F.
36 Votes
Card Tips for ¸Û²Ê¿ª½±Bars
Submitted by Alison W.
8 Votes
Block name list
Submitted by Annabelle H.
15 Votes
Quiz night or karaoke
Submitted by Jules V.
-32 Votes
Fly the Union 'Jack' Flag with pride in Greg’s place.
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
46 Votes
Open Examinations
Submitted by Freya M.
14 Votes
napping stations on campus
Submitted by Rapee W.
24 Votes
Loyalty programs at Nisa store.
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
13 Votes
Post graduate funding
Submitted by Lucia M.
-1 Votes
Phone lockers in the library
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
-2 Votes
Lectures in video and only audio
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
3 Votes
Shorter Accommodation Termination Notice
Submitted by Natasha H.
9 Votes
Dissertation protection for third years
Submitted by removed_1637834802 R.
1 Votes
Repurposing office chairs from uni
Submitted by removed_27022024 R.
6 Votes
War with Spain
Submitted by removed_27022024 R.
0 Votes
Hire space for socially distanced lectures
Submitted by removed_27022024 R.
3 Votes
On Campus Clubbing
Submitted by removed_27022024 R.
0 Votes
Provide free fruit in University colleges
Submitted by Elizabeth L.
0 Votes
Accept dogecoin on campus bars
Submitted by removed_27022024 R.
0 Votes
Open Forest for Lunch Breaks
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
Stop investing in the arms trade!
Submitted by Elizabeth L.
Buses to Halifax
Submitted by Rashida H.
Cycle Lanes
Submitted by Reuben H.
Submitted by Elizabeth L.
Fix the Piazza Doors
Submitted by Joseph S.
Ecosia on Campus Campaign
Submitted by Antonia D.
60 Votes
Circuit Laundry: Come Clean
Submitted by George H.
50 Votes
Add seats with backs to the Lounge
Submitted by Nicole C.
51 Votes
¸Û²Ê¿ª½± boycott Amazon
Submitted by Pierrick R.
51 Votes
Erect a statue of Longboi on campus
Submitted by Sofia G.
54 Votes
PTO for Commuting Students
Submitted by removed_27022024 R.
Support off-campus rent rebates
Submitted by removed_27022024 R.
Keep study spaces open
Submitted by Nikita G.
29 Votes
Live Zoom Q n A with Charlie Jeffery for Students
Submitted by removed_27022024 R.
Student Support Bubbles
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
36 Votes
Demand 3: Student and Staff People's Assembly
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
41 Votes
Demand 2: Protect Our Physical and Mental Health
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
40 Votes
Demand 1: Financial Reimbursement
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
35 Votes
¸Û²Ê¿ª½± Back the Rent Strike
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
32 Votes
The online curriculum is not working
Submitted by removed_27022024 R.
53 Votes
Online Alternatives
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
0 Votes
Introduce a Wildlife Protection Officer
Submitted by Elizabeth L.
24 Votes
Stricter smoking regulations on campus
Submitted by Talon F.
36 Votes
Card Tips for ¸Û²Ê¿ª½±Bars
Submitted by Alison W.
8 Votes
Block name list
Submitted by Annabelle H.
15 Votes
Quiz night or karaoke
Submitted by Jules V.
-32 Votes
Fly the Union 'Jack' Flag with pride in Greg’s place.
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
46 Votes
Open Examinations
Submitted by Freya M.
14 Votes
napping stations on campus
Submitted by Rapee W.
24 Votes
Loyalty programs at Nisa store.
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
13 Votes
Post graduate funding
Submitted by Lucia M.
-1 Votes
Phone lockers in the library
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
-2 Votes
Lectures in video and only audio
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
3 Votes
Shorter Accommodation Termination Notice
Submitted by Natasha H.
9 Votes
Dissertation protection for third years
Submitted by removed_1637834802 R.
1 Votes
Repurposing office chairs from uni
Submitted by removed_27022024 R.
6 Votes
War with Spain
Submitted by removed_27022024 R.
0 Votes
Hire space for socially distanced lectures
Submitted by removed_27022024 R.
3 Votes
On Campus Clubbing
Submitted by removed_27022024 R.
More bins
Submitted by Elizabeth L.
Affordable shops on campus
Submitted by Clara L.
Pool cues
Submitted by Meilu Z.
Rugby Ideas
Submitted by Grant M.
51 Votes
UoY Amazon Boycott
Submitted by removed_27022024 R.
0 Votes
Provide free fruit in University colleges
Submitted by Elizabeth L.
0 Votes
Accept dogecoin on campus bars
Submitted by removed_27022024 R.
0 Votes
Open Forest for Lunch Breaks
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
0 Votes
Please restock Fanta in Courtyard
Submitted by Jamie P.
0 Votes
Plant-based options in the cafeteria
Submitted by Elizabeth L.
0 Votes
Make the library 24/7
Submitted by Amelia D.
0 Votes
Supporting the strkes
Submitted by Habeeb M.
0 Votes
UoY Entrepreneurship Society
Submitted by Jack R.
0 Votes
Reduce tution fees
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
0 Votes
Tuition fee refund
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
0 Votes
Reduce the tuition
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
0 Votes
Tuition refund
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
0 Votes
Deratify Turning Point
Submitted by removed_27022024 R.
0 Votes
Implementation of an actual safety net
Submitted by removed_1637834802 R.
0 Votes
Reduced Cost of living on campus as well as tuition fee
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
0 Votes
Better safety net for third years
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
72 Votes
Safety Net
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
74 Votes
Academic Fees for 2020/21
Submitted by Saud K.
Safety net scores


Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
What will happen with Fresher's?


Submitted by Stephanie C.
Student Ambassadors should be furloughed


Submitted by removed_27022024 R.
Safety net


Submitted by removed_27022024 R.
On campus rent


Submitted by removed_27022024 R.


Submitted by Chloe R.
3rd year questions


Submitted by removed_1653315072 R.
University Accommodation


Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
Lectures in September


Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
1 Votes
Lack of Ambition


Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
6 Votes
Government should enforce a safteynet upon all Unis for students


Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
Blood donations
Submitted by Christopher J.
Silent Halls Option on Campus
Submitted by Archie C.
83 Votes
Lights on the Walmgate Stray
Submitted by Madison A.
0 Votes
Please restock Fanta in Courtyard
Submitted by Jamie P.
0 Votes
Plant-based options in the cafeteria
Submitted by Elizabeth L.
0 Votes
Make the library 24/7
Submitted by Amelia D.
0 Votes
Supporting the strkes
Submitted by Habeeb M.
0 Votes
UoY Entrepreneurship Society
Submitted by Jack R.
0 Votes
Reduce tution fees
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
0 Votes
Tuition fee refund
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
0 Votes
Reduce the tuition
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
0 Votes
Tuition refund
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
0 Votes
Deratify Turning Point
Submitted by removed_27022024 R.
0 Votes
Implementation of an actual safety net
Submitted by removed_1637834802 R.
0 Votes
Reduced Cost of living on campus as well as tuition fee
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
0 Votes
Better safety net for third years
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
72 Votes
Safety Net
Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
74 Votes
Academic Fees for 2020/21
Submitted by Saud K.
Safety net scores


Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
What will happen with Fresher's?


Submitted by Stephanie C.
Student Ambassadors should be furloughed


Submitted by removed_27022024 R.
Safety net


Submitted by removed_27022024 R.
On campus rent


Submitted by removed_27022024 R.


Submitted by Chloe R.
3rd year questions


Submitted by removed_1653315072 R.
University Accommodation


Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
Lectures in September


Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
1 Votes
Lack of Ambition


Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.
6 Votes
Government should enforce a safteynet upon all Unis for students


Submitted by removed_1673620387 R.

How to make that change

There are many ways you can transform your University, ¸Û²Ê¿ª½±, or the community you live in. If you have an idea and want to spark a conversation, make a submission here on this platform. From simple suggestions to political campaigns, we welcome all ideas for change, big or small.

Your ideas will be published live on this platform for voting and comments from fellow students. If students think your idea is great they can vote it through to the next stage. Sabbatical Officers will respond publicly on this platform to let you know what is being done about the idea.

Some things can be worked on straight away - e.g. getting menus translated in ¸Û²Ê¿ª½± venues, whilst others require deeper consultation with students - e.g. ¸Û²Ê¿ª½± creating a new representative position. This will be decided by the Ideas Forum, which is a group of student representatives including the ¸Û²Ê¿ª½± Sabbatical Officers, Part-time Officers and reps from the Colleges and ¸Û²Ê¿ª½± committees e.g. Department reps, Societies committee and York Sport Union Committee. The Forum will categorise your ideas into ‘Actions’ which are simple transactional ideas which can be worked on straight away; or ‘Policy Proposals’ for larger, transformative ideas which require wider student consultation before a decision can be made to pass or reject the idea.

View our:

The timeline

You can submit ideas until Friday 8 March 2024. Voting will open midday on Monday 11 March 2024 for 30 days.

The rules

Before your idea is put live, it will be reviewed by the ¸Û²Ê¿ª½± President and Student Voice Team. There are several reasons why an idea may not be published on the website (examples below), so please avoid sharing stories which may fall into these categories. e.g.:

  • Ideas that may present a risk to the reputation to the Union - e.g. if it contains language or content that may cause offense or be deemed discriminatory.
  • Ideas that may present a legal risk to the Union.
  • Ideas which mention names or personal details about someone.

If you want to know more about the process please get in touch at yusuggestions@yusu.org